Centre of Central Asian Studies (CCAS), University of Kashmir and School of Philosophical and Historical Enquiry (SOPHE), University of Sydney, Australia signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to initiate a new joint collaborative research project (Prehistoric Mining and Metallurgy in Kashmir) and enhance higher education learning initiatives between the two Universities.
The MoU was signed by the Vice Chancellor KU Prof. Talat Ahmad in his secretariat and Prof. Alison V.G. Betts (Chair of the Department of Archaeology), representing University of Sydney, Australia. Prof Tareak A Rather Director CCAS KU and Dr. Mumtaz A. Yatoo Assistant Professor and Principal Research Investigator CCAS KU were also present on the occasion.
The MoU signed between the University of Kashmir and the University of Sydney envisages promotion of scientific knowledge and academics and active joint research collaborations to understand important facets of prehistory of Kashmir.
Under this MoU both the Institutes will participate in collaborative research, training, teaching and other agreed activities that will enhance the relationship between the Institutions.
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